There’s a primary school in Southern Africa with a click board powered GSM activated school bell. The kids love it no doubt :). Photos and details after the jump.
Our latest customer story comes from Mr. Mutangeni Shikonda, an electronics hobbyist from Namibia. He says that most of his projects are based on MikroElektronika products, because they’re easy to use and always work. Muntageni also enjoys programming in mikroC, and greatly appreciates the help he gets from the forums when he gets stuck. His most recent finished project is a fully functional GSM school bell for a local primary school. It consists of the following components:
1. RTC click
2. EEPROM Click
3. SMART GM862
4. 20x4 LCD
Mutangeni explains:
The system works perfectly. The RTC click ensures that the timing is always accurate. The ring times are stored in the EEPROM chip and can be altered using a keypad. This ensures flexibility. Even when power is lost the ring times remain in the chip. The SMART GM862 allows the bell to be rung remotely by sending a text message. You can either send a text to ring the bell immediately, or to set it up to ring on a specific day and time. The LCD displays the current date time and the next time the bell will ring.
If you enjoyed this story, we also recently wrote about a school in Belgium with an EasyPIC equipped classroom. Then there’s the mikromedia powered mini maus beet loader. More customer stories coming up soon.
If you have a story of your own to share with us, just send us a message at, include “My Story” in the subject line.
Yours sincerely,